Discovering, Preserving and Presenting the History of Gringley-on-the-Hill, Nottinghamshire.

Gringley History Club 2022-3 

Annual Accounts    01/11/2022 to 31/10/2023

Starting fund                                                     £ 6426.69

1)  Capital account

+£102.99 Book sales
+ £102.99      = Total in

Less Expenditure

 £ 150.00      Tribute boards
 £   60.00       Grave Project website costs
 £   29.98       Grave project sundries
 £ 150.00      Village map repair
 £   61.82      Printing Deep Pockets books
  £  16.25      Replacement keys CC cabinets

 -  £468.05       = Total out

Resulting in                                                          - £365.06  from fund 

2)   Club profit/loss

 £ 405.00   Memberships
 £   18.10    Donated
 £   81.00   Meeting income

   +£504.10        = Total in

Less expenditure
£ 268.99  Website costs
£   70.56   Insurance
£ 205.00  Meeting costs
£   15.30  Notts trip

 - £559.85          = Total out.

Resulting in                                                               -£55.75    from fund



3)   Overall Accounts

Started with                                                              £6426.69

Less                     £365.06   capital

Less                      £ 55.75   club

Total spent                             =                                   -£420.81

carried forward  to 2023-24   =                                  £6005.88


Represented by:

Balance at Barclays Bank          31/10/2023              £5955 88

Cash held by SOH                      31/10/2023                 £50.00

Total carried forward =                                                £6005.88

I certify that I Susan O’Horan have in my possession the sum of £50.00

Signed                                            ………………………………   Date …………………

Accounts checked by M. Garrett   ………………………………   Date ………………

Accounts checked by P. Hamer     ………………………………..  Date ……………….


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