Discovering, Preserving and Presenting the History of Gringley-on-the-Hill, Nottinghamshire.


AGM: Monday 17 January 2024: Community Centre



Committee: Mike Garrett, Pamela Hamer, Kathy McIlroy, Brian Hansen, Adrian Griffiths, Sue O’Horan.

Apologies: Sharon Keeble.

Members: Brian Shepherd, John Brough, Michael Hebblewhite, Joan Soulsby, Ian Soulsby.

Apologies: Roy & Kate Evans.

Mike Garrett opened the meeting.

Minutes of AGM held 20 February 2023.

Minutes had been sent to all members prior to the meeting.

There were no comments on the minutes.


The meeting heard reports from Mike Garrett (Chairman), Sue O’Horan (Treasurer), Pamela Hamer (Secretary).

Chairman’s Report

I’m very pleased to report that we were able to have a complete programme of events for the first time in a few years.

We had five speaker events. In January Adrian Griffiths told us the first part of his history of the city of Coventry, from its origins to a thriving medieval town and the truth about Lady Godiva. In March Tim Mulroy told us the story of his father and aunt who came to England in 1939 as part of the kinder transports from Prague. In May Maggy Watkins told us the second part of the of the Pilgrim Fathers’ story, including their horrendous journey to America.

After our summer break our October talk was also about a journey, this time much more sedate, taking the ‘Slow Road’ around England on canals with Mike Ogden. Roy Evans gave our final talk in November with a comprehensive history of Lincolnshire airfields during WW2 and their use today.

In February, our AGM was followed by a very interesting presentation by Stuart Cattell about his experiences in metal detecting. We also had informal club nights in the Blue Bell in April and June.

In August, for the first time we arranged evening trips. We visited the beautiful town of Southwell with our guide, a member of the Southwell Local History Society. It was a lovely way to spend a warm summer evening. A total of 26 members took part in two trips. In October ten members went on a guided tour of the caves and tunnels of Old Nottingham. After travelling to Nottingham on the Robin Hood Line, they visited the City of Caves, Nottingham Castle and its tunnel, ending with refreshments at Ye Old Trip to Jerusalem.

We ended the year in December with our Christmas Social and Membership Night at the Blue Bell with Fizz & Nibbles. It was a busy, successful evening with the opportunity for memberships to be renewed for 2024.

After a delay of some years, we re-launched our project to survey all the burials in St Peter’s churchyard. Club members worked in all weathers to complete the project by our mid-year target. We examined every memorial in the churchyard, uncovering and cleaning where necessary, and recorded the inscriptions where possible. A total of 217 memorials were surveyed, and we identified 266 people, whose memorials can now easily be found. Our survey can be viewed in the church, in our club archive and on our website.

Our club has an extensive historical archive about Gringley and we present it to residents through exhibitions, talks and walking tours. This year we were also able to work with St Peter’s School, giving a presentation about the businesses which existed in the village and how the village has changed, followed by a tour for Class 1 pupils of relevant village sites.

In conclusion, 2023 was a successful year for our club. Such a full programme of activities can only be achieved by the commitment and efforts of our committee, and I would like to thank the committee for all their help.

Looking ahead to 2024 we have a full programme of speaker events, walks, trips and other activities. The seven members of our committee are keen to get involved with all aspects of history in Gringley, local areas and further afield. Please contact us if you have any areas of interest.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer tabled the accounts for 2022/23, attached. Sue explained the new structure of the report, presenting the Capital Account and Club P&L separately, before being combined in the Overall Accounts.

The club has experienced an increase in fixed costs, mainly due to costs of website maintenance and insurance. Our website presence is important to the club and we are committed to maintain it. Efforts to improve margin in 2024 may include control of speakers’ fees, raffles and contributions towards refreshments at events. In 2025 we will consider increasing the membership fees.

Secretary’s Report

Following on from the Chairman’s report - all the talks were very well attended by both members and visitors.

  • January: Coventry: Godiva to the Civil War: Members 30 – Visitors 3
  • March: The British Schindler: Members 32 - Visitors 10
  • May: Mayflower new beginnings: Members 22 – Visitors 7
  • October: The Slow Road: Members 25 – Visitors 7
  • November: Wings over Gainsborough Members 24 - Visitors 16

Over the 5 talks the average attendance was 35.

The secretary thanked Mike and Sharon for putting together the programme.

In 2023 we had 53 members, one more than the previous year.

At the Social and Membership night in December, those members who attended joined for 2024. So far this year we have 35 members, of which 34 are previous members and one new member.

Election of Officers

All the officers were prepared to stand for another year and as no-one else came forward to stand for these roles the current officers were all re-elected by those present.

Comments on reports/AOB

Membership: Discussion on membership numbers, i.e. how to attract more members. A leaflet about club activities could be included in Hugo’s package to new residents. Mike will contact Hugo.

Community Centre Open Day: Adrian is considering an Open Day in the CC to display all village activities. Agreed that we would like to be involved.

D Day 80th Anniversary – 6th June 2024: Kathy reported that the PC are planning to light the Beacon, possible village party and ‘Fish ‘n Chips’.

We discussed possible History Club activities. May include an event, similar to our ‘We’ll Meet Again’ party; a talk on Laycock? We will display our village boards around the village before 6 June. We will discuss in more detail at our committee meeting on 19 February. Kathy will advise the PC committee.

Open Gardens 2024: Club involvement will follow Hugo’s planning and subsequent request.



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